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Cthulhu-Scope-Extension Browser Plugin Download

This plugin is used in conjunction with the CthulhuRs Server After the plugin is enabled, it will add a special request header Cthulhu-Extra-Scope to all requests in the browser through configuration, to achieve different levels or combined domain control, the value is the following four Scope properties:

PropertyFunctionDomain Control Level
emailAdd the email of the currently logged in user in the browserUser Level
windowAdd the window Id of the current page in the browserWindow Level
tabAdd the tabId of the current page in the browserPage Level
frameAdd the frameId of the browser request (only supported on browser versions that support the v2 extension protocol)Frame Level
customAdd a custom string, used in scenarios where more special domain control is neededCustom Level


If you do not use this plugin, the server can only achieve device + browser + domain name level domain control, that is, based on the source IP address and protocol type of the request, and the Host and User-Agent in the request header together form a Scope


Scope is used to identify the source 'identity' of the request, requests with the same Scope will be regarded as a whole, and have the same scopeId

v3 extension
v2 extension

Useful Plugin Download


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Released under the MIT License.